Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Immunization Nation

    Whoa. Last night I made a post on my Facebook site about my frustration with my states inability to conform its vaccination laws just as the other states have. Boy was there alot of controversy (as there always are with such topics) I should have just blogged about it. As I have matured, I really have learned to keep mosty touchy subjects to myself, realizing that they were important to me and that is really all that matters. I want to share some of the points that were made from both sides, but most importantly I want to share mine without responding to someone in my defense. Vaccinations are a tricky subject because even being against them of course your heart is still for them.

**Let me just first say I am not a doctor, nurse or even a high school graduate. SO Obviously I am no voice of authority on the issue. I do however have strong beleifs and to me that qualifies the right to speak out about it.
    Of course I want to protect my children from disease, I just don't want to have restricted options in order to do so. The choice not to vaccinate my kids has been one of the most dehabilitating and excruciating decisions I have ever had to weigh in my mind. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't question it, regret it, feel sad or scared about it, or worry about it. It is a decision at times that makes me feel selfish, irresponsible, crazy, and restrictive as a parent. I will have to think about for all time. It is a decision that I have been learning about for 5 years and many years to come.
     See, I am pro immunization. I like them, the invention of them, the thought of them the purpose of them and appreciative of all the lives they have saved and the catastrophies we have avoided because of them. I just do not like the way vaccines are administered, manufactured, or processed. I hate the way the government and the majority of our population have ignored the astounding statistics proving that vaccinations have serious adverse reactions for a portion of their recipients. That our children are "lab rats" for the greater good of the population. That vaccines are created as a "one size fits all" solution when every human being is a very different specimen.

      I have chosen not to vaccinate my kids for now. For more reasons than just one, and NO Jenny McCarthy is not a reason. I did however read her book "Mother Warriors" and it made some very interesting points from her, other moms, and doctors. It was worth the read. I do not vaccinate my kids because of the ingredients: a couple are Formaldahyde, Alumminum, Animal organs, Aborted Fetal Tissue, Thimersol (which is mercury and has been removed from more immunizations but traces still exist in some vaccines from the process) Gluten, Live active viruses, and other alarming ingredients (google them its all out there for the public to see)
      I do not vaccinate because of the combination vaccine. It astounds me that scientists have decided to combine an atrocious amount of viruses, chemicals, and ingredients into one shot. It is a recipe for disaster and a huge change from how things were first conducted.
       I also do not vaccinate because of a vaccine's inability to protect children 100% from the viruses in which they claim to protect them from, meaning I am chancing it, putting harmfull things in their bodies without their consesnt without even fully protecting them, which makes no sense to me and frankly, is not worth the risk. Which brings me to the risk. The adverse statistics are enough to stop me in my tracks. (Even though I do not belevie in the CDC and beleive they are a corrupt government agency I find it interesting they put some statistics on their website and even more interesting to add that even though some kids suffer from seizures, coma, brain damage and even die- the chances in it happening to your kid are worth it.... really? so what if that was your kid ) So many children suffer from complications from these drugs ranging from fever, to seizures, to brain damage, coma, to death.
     The last reason why I do not vaccinate is I find it impossible to ignore all the signs. The testimony's from parents, the common sense it takes to see that this is a real issue to a lot of people who are being ignored. I just can't do it.

        When Immunizations were first introduced they were administered one at a time, spaced out because scientists were afraid of the effect the ingredients would have on the human body. Simply put there was not enough research or evidence to prove that vaccinations were even safe (long term) on the human immune, nervous or digestive system. Then the 40's and 50's hit when parents stopped visiting doctors as regularly and doctors just started playing "catch up" sticking kids more and more without concern for consequence. If you also look back (do your research) you will also see that this is around the time we started to see more cases of complications. Autism, immune disorders, seizures, learning disabilities, and cancers became more prominent from generation to generation and now all of them are at an all time high. Now we also require an astounding 22 vaccinations. Coincidence? I think not.

    I think immunizations need to be drastically changed. I think we need to start monitoring children's immune systems and its capabilities to process vaccinations. I think that some vaccinations need to be eliminated or redesighned all together. I expecially beleive that no government or institution shall have the right to force any person to put any substance into their body.  I think that parents who have experienced tradgety in the face of vaccinations deserve a voice, and for the government and medical community to take them seriously for the greater good of all children, not just the lucky ones who process the immunizations with success.
   West Virginia and Mississippi are the only two states in this country that do not allow the religious or medical exemption from vaccinations in order to attend public or private schools. This is a outrage for me because if home schooling was not to go according to plan my, family is left with no back up. My kids are left with no choice but to stay at home even if they are unhappy or my teaching is in adequate.

Here are some of my quotes from my facebook arguments I think are worthy of sharing.

Sara said "If you want a" real job" in the "real world" someday you have to be vaccinated. Get a grip, there are much worse things in life. Everyone kid that attends public schools is required to get them.. Yes even you, because I was required and we are almost the same age."

*This statement is of ignorance and judgement. It untrue and said with no knowledge or education to back  it up. This is true to extent that this is how a lot of Americans feel and rightfully so if they have not done thier homework on immunizations. So I felt it was worthy of mention.

Here was my response: "Not true there are plenty of "real jobs" in the "real world" that do not require vacccinations. You get a grip. If you are so religious let me see you be blessed enough to give birth one day to a healthy baby and then make the consious decision to inject them with a vaccine that was cultured in aborted fetal tissue, formaldahyde and other toxic ingredients. Until you are a parent you can be passionate about other things. I had no choice whether or not I received vaccinations and if I had a choice and knew what I know today I would have refused them. Learn more, than judge and critisize."

Here is a comment from a family friend on the matter- "Do the kids that that have adverse reactions to the vaccines number in the millions??? That is the number of kids that survive because of these vaccine. And yes, some of these diseases are coming back because people are not getting vaccinated. Jenny McCarthy has done so much harm to the children of the world because she is looking for something to blame for her child's autism. Redik!!!!"

* I understand where his points are coming from. A lot of people blame Jenny McCarthy, but people will blame any one to back up and un eduacated point. It simply is not true. Jenny McCarthy didn't single handedly start a movement because she was sad her son had autism.

Here is my response- "It's not just Jenny McCarthy. Sadly celebrities just have a bigger voices and larger funds to be heard. There are real people with real experiences and horribly sad stories. Books published, articles written, blogs, there are doctors called DAN doctors (Defeat Austism Now) who have seen the link and refuse to ignore it who are for the practice or alternate vaccination or even against the practice all together. No it's not millions but it's enough. One kid is enough! You think just because millions live then thousands deserve to die for the greater good? Sorry that is just not how I feel. That to me isn't what America is about. This isn't just about autism. This is about our Nation as a whole and the severe consequences these vaccines have had on generations of Americans. We are the only country with as many vaccinations (about 21 most countries require 11) and we have the largest autism rates, obeistity rates, certain cancers and auto immune diseases affect our country more than others, asthma, diabetes,the list goes on. More people die a year hear from vaccines here than any other country. More people also live here because of vaccines but really is that the point for the "greatest country in the world"? Seriously. It is a real issue. Yes millions live and go disease free because of vaccines, but doesn't it concern you that little kids have to die or live in pain for the rest of their lives in order for that to happen? That God forbid ,that could have been your kid? It could have been one of my kids! There are real parents who are not Jenny McCarthy, hundreds, thousands who say with 100 percent conviction that their children were not born with autism. When a child is born with it you can tell from 6 months of age. These moms have normal 2 year olds laughing smiling talking learning and one day BOOM the lights go out. They are completely different children after a round of immunizations. When are people going to listen? 1 in 80! 1 in 80 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in America and Americal ONLY. NOW THAT IS "RIDIK!!!!"

I think I have showed both sides to the story. When it's boiled down there is no RIGHT WAY. Every parent is entitled to protect their children. Some parents belive to protect is to immunize and some parents beleive to protect is to do the opposite. Either way we are parenting, and both sides are concerned and it's all out of love. So even though I feel passionately about my personal opnions and beleifs I, in no way will condemn a parent of excersising the same right. It's 2013. Things are changing and I really hope soon vaccinations are included. That is my feeling on the matter. Tell me yours.

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