Sexy By Summer


On this page I want to motivate/ help you to take care of yourself :)

February 19, 2013

Weight update**
November 2013- 203lbs
February 18th 2013- 187 lbs
Weightloss so far-  16 pounds!!!!
Goal weight- 150lbs

**Weight is just a number** remember- Hight, muscle tone, and bone density have a lot to do with your weight!!

Hey Guys!
 I am kinda sick of the roller coaster :) So I am just changing my lifestyle!! I am eating a restricted calorie diet- LIFESTYLE CHANGE- as well as restricting my fats intake, sugar intake, and emphasising foods with high nutritional value and protein and fiber. I am trying my best to make my calories count and eat foods that make me feel good. I want to really log in my process and progress and how my days go. Check out my post "The Best Version of Me" if you havn't already it'll give you an idea of my goals and where I am starting from.
My plan- eat no more than 1290 calories a day- using mini meals technique, Excersise vigorously every weekday for atleast an hour. Running, walking, working on my mile, high intensity yoga, strength excersises such as crunches,obliques, squats,lunges and trainging videos! Mix it up everyday so my body doesn't get used to it. I am currently doing a 12 week challenge with my best friend and weighing in at about 187 pounds. My goal by the end of the twelve weeks (in time for spring/summer clothes shopping) is 160lbs. I plan to lose as close to 28 pounds as I can. I have been doing this for 8 days and have seen a big difference. I want to share my excersises, and recipes and tips on here as well as my weekly weigh ins. I also want to put in a grocery list for people who want to try!

What you need for success- If you have a smart phone I strongly insist you install the My Fitness Pal app or create an account on your computer. You can log everysingle thing you put in your mouth and it does all the calculating for you it's a little time consuming but so worth it. It also is a good way to look back and to log your excersise.

The right foods in your fridge and freezer ( I emphasize fridge and freezer because not only do you want to eat low calorie foods but FRESH and as natural as possible low calorie foods, which typically do not come from the pantry with the exception of a few important items.)

The Right Knowledge-   Read some books, surf the internet, scroll below, to figure out what it really means to lead a healthy lifestyle. You can eat low calories and healthy but you still need to work out. Just becuase you are eating small portions and low calorie it doesn't mean you can eat lasagna, mac n cheese, steak, fast food, chips, etc. You need to eat a well balanced diet. You need to eat all day. You can not save your calories till dinner to eat a large meal. Your body will hold on to everything it ate this is called "starvation mode" food is fuel and your body needs fuel 5-8 times a day depending on your nutritional needs. You need to watch all your intake not just calories- watch your sodium, sugar, and fat intake as well.

Motivation and Determination-This will not be easy it is a big change and you realy have got to put the work in to see results. If you cheat you are only cheating yourself so make sure you are ready to commit!

Please scroll down for grocery lists, new obsessions, recipes and motivational tools :) thank you so much for reading and I hope to join you in your Summer of Sexiness :)



Grocery Must haves For weightloss and calorie restriction.
Bananas (to have fresh and to freeze extra ripe for smoothies)
Apples (pref a low sugar kind like granny smith but any kind on sale will do
Grapes (to freeze and snack or snack refrigerated)
Baby Spinach-smoothies and salads
Baby Carrots
Kale Greens-smothies, steamed, salads
Iceburg lettuce- wraps, salads, filler,
Romaine Lettuce- salads, smoothies, wraps
Avocados (if not in season Wholly Guacamole is a good alternative)
Herbs- mint, basil, parsley, (ther prettier and more creative your food is the more fun it is to eat)
Onions-wraps, breakfast sandwhichs, salads, etc
peppers-any color add to any thing
Melons- chop and store in tupperware it's fast food at its finest and delish with fat free cottage cheese

Steam in bag whole grain bown rice
Green veggies- broccoli florrets, brussle sprouts, asparagus
Frozen Berries-blue berries, mixed berries, strawberries
Low calorie popcycles (as little ingredients as possible)
Skinny Cow ice cream treats
Frozen Greek yogurt

Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts (a lot- half to bake and slice for easy adds to salads etc, and rest for dinners)
Ground turkey- Turkey burgers, homemade burritos, substitution for red meat
Turkey breast lunch meat- Low sodium Fat free
Salmon filets- wild caught is best but get what you can
Shrimp- good to keep in fridge for snacking or a good pop of protein to add to meal
Low Fat motzerella cheese sticks
Fat free cream cheese
Plain Fat free greek yogurt and Lots of it- Smoothies, dips for fruits, late night treats
Fat Free Cottage cheese
Origional Plain Almond milk (no flavored because of extra sugar)
Fat free milk
Lotts of eggs- to keep in fridge hard boiled and for breakfast
Real unsalted butter (to use sparingly when needed)
100 percent all natural real orange juice- smoothies, spare drinking

Pantry Staples:
Sevia- only form of added sugar to be used, can use honey or real maple syrup but stevia is best
All natural pueanut butter- Almond butter is best but mre expensive
Herbal tea- My faves are Yogi detox, and green tea of any brand
Snadwhich thins
olive oil
coconut oil
pam olive oil spray for light pan frying
Low calorie wraps
Low calorie, whole wheat, whole grain, Bread
Quinoa Flakes
whole oats
High fiber low sugar cereal
Flax meal
Coco powder
Pumpkin Pie spice- Make pain foods fun and sparkly!
Original Almond Milk
Coconut milk- Plain
Raw Almonds or sliced and roasted with no salt
Popcorn with no butter or salt (air popped is best)
Dark chocolate- atleast 70% coco
Special K bars or crackers or chips
other nuts or dried fruits to snack on sparingly

This is really all  you should need. It is all healthy and there are so many options!!! Here are some of my favorite recipes:

Berry Coconut-
1cup frozen mined berries
1 cup baby spinach
2tbs flax meal
2tbs unsweet shredded coconut
1/3 cup plain fat free greek yogurt
1/3cup coconut milk
1packet of stevia in the raw
1tsp coconut oil
*add oats for meal


Chocolate Banana Delight-
half a banana
1/3 cup greek yogurt
1 packet of stevia
1tbs cocopowder
1tsp of cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice
splash of almond milk
a little ice
*add some cold coffee for caffeine!!!
Its like a milkshake you can feel good about ;) for desperation days!!

Mean Green energizing Machine
1 cup of  raw Baby Spinach
1 cup raw kale greens
1/2 cup frozen berries
1/3 of a ripe banana
1 packet stevia
1tbs flax meal
1tbs almonds
1tsp coconut oil
1/2 cup almond milk

Breathtaking Breakfasts
240Calorie Breakfast Sandwhich!!!! Eat your heart out Mickey DEES

1 Sandwhich thin toasted
1 frozen turkey suasage patty
1 egg
lotts of baby spinach *add any other veggie
*add guacamole for 50 more calories

Amazeballes guilt free "have your cake and eat it too" Pancakes!:

 Half a banana
1 egg
Mix it up
*add flax
*add oats
*add vanilla
*add coconut
and a hott griddle
three medium pancakes with just the egg and banana and spices with only cost you:

Veggie Delight

1 small wole wheat 120 calorie wrap
shredded ice burg
baby spinach
green peppers
red onion
shredded carrot
avocado or all natural guacamole
*add some shrimp
*add some grilled chicken

Lunch That lasts till Dinner wrap

1 low calorie wrap
2 slices fat free low sodium turkey breast
1/3 cup fat free cottge cheese
3 slices of tomatoe
baby spinach
shredded carrot
*anything else that can fit :)

Snack attack/post/pre workout
This was a meal but this toast is the BEST SNACK AND SO GOOD
1 slice multigrain bread toasted
1tbs all natural peanutbutter
1tbs unsweet coconut
1/2 tbs flax seed
1 tbs organic honey oat granola
*The rest of the plate is a perfect snack :) 
*whole thing is deff a meal
*remember portions 

Dare I say Dessert?
Loaded frozen Greek yogurt
*make while making dinner and freeze until ready to eat if you make a big
batch it doesnt work- itll freeze solid :( still playing around with it
It was amazing though

Half a banana
1/3 cup greek yogurt
1tbs coco powder
1 packet stevia
Pumpkin Pie spice
1 tbs all natural peanutbutter
splash of almond milk
Blend in blender till smooth
freeze for about 2 hours
Top with flax seeds, coconut, and carrob chips or dark choc chips
About 150 Calories for 1/2 cup serving

Today was beautiful! Waking up at the tender time of 730am I wanted to have a productive day. To me my most productive days are when I feel good and energized. I truly beleive in order to feel great and energized you need to start the day off right with what you put into your body. I made a smoothie and had it for breakfast and lunch. It left me feeling satisfied, refreshed and energized. I didn't even need coffee today. (but made it anyway around 11am lol)

Carissa's "Sun's a shinin Smoothie"

1cup raw Kale greens
1cup raw fresh baby spinach
1/3 cup plain all natural greek yogurt
1/3 cup frozen rasberries
1/3 bup frozen blueberries
1/2 a mango
3 tbs flax meal
1/3 cup raw uncooked oatmeal
1 packet of stevia
1/2 cup of all natural Orange juice

This was delicious and healthy and made me feel great all day! Lookin even more forward to Vegetarian Thursday (please view the food for thought section of my blog to learn more)
Happiness is within you, as well as control over your own energy and productivity levels you just have to stay positive, try your best and start with a good foundation of health. I love consuming health smoothies it truly makes me feel like I am taking control of my own destiny. Just a little tweak of health in your day can make you feel like you are giving yourself a chance! Give it a try twice a week you may feel a big difference.

Tuesday, Jan 1 2013

I have been struggling with 100 percent clean eating mainly because I feel like I am spending so much money on myself and I even find myself hoarding fruits and veggies from my family so I can last the week. This is completely not an option. SO my goal is to find a system of healthy eating that works to my bodys advantage as well as my family. I want to focus on healthy shakes, and eating a pure and healthy as I can with being able to include my kids. Mt kids will eat most of the clean eating stuff I make but it just gets too expensive. As much as I enjpy and love clean and detox eating I need to rethink it and create a list and get back on here and share.

Monday, September 24, 2012

My latest meal...not so sure about: Veggie Tumeric Quinoa it has tumeric, curry and cayenne pepper in it. The taste is different than what I am used to but the spices in it have amazing health benefits! So I will def play around with this dish! Got the recipe from Kimberly Snyder's Veggie Tumeric Quinoa.
Tumeric helps fight cancer, lower blood pressure, may help memory improvement in patients with alzheimer's, helps with muscle soreness, fights free radicals and improves liver detoxification.
Curry speeds up wound-recovery, staves off Alzheimer's disease, delays aging and improves appetite.
Cayenne...there are so many amzong things about this spice I could not list them all, but needless to say I will be consuming Cayenne and distilled warm water daily!!! here is a link if you want to check it out for yourself! Cayenne Pepper health-benefits

Sunday, September 23, 2012

              Woke up feeling pretty good again...lighter may be a better choice of words!  Still no hangover feeling like I used to have every single morning which leads me to think...was it the food I was eating and not the coffee? I have not given up coffee, I have been drinking less but I still have at least a cup (or two) in the morning and a few days I had a cup in the afternoon.  I am very excited about the changes I am feeling so far, and it has only been a week! I have more energy in the mornings, I feel lighter, my skin is looking healthier, the last two nights my arms and legs did not go numb at night while I was trying to sleep! Did I mention I do not have the unbearable PMS (I am usually a bear or at least feel like one)???? Who would have thought all these wonderful changes without weighing or measuring food, putting all my focus on eating only fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, healthy fats, and lots of veggies! Now the only thing I noticed today was the feeling of being a tad hungry but I blame that on not eating enough at my meals or is that my PMS? 

Breakfast was a green smoothie: Almondmilk, spinach, banana, flaxseed, protein powder.
Lunch: What you see in the next two photos: evoo, garlic, quinoa, onion, blk bean, avocado and red hot with a side of sauteed broccoli, carrots, red cabbage, onion, garlic, mushroom in evoo.

 Snacks for the day were: an apple and later this banana, pb, walnuts w/ a splash of coconut milk mashed together and frozen...yumo!
Dinner: Huge side of steamed broccoli, a small portion of quinoa, blk bean salad and a baked portabella mushroom! Lots of tea today but not enough water!

   Ok so I had my first cheat of the week tonight!!!!! Hot brownie out of the oven with turkey hill vanilla bean icecream!  I am not sure why I did it, well, it is my favorite and the smell when I was serving it to the family...WOW!! I do not feel guilty about it, imagine that? I am actually proud that I am right back at eating clean again! What I could have done differently? I could have planned ahead and either created a healthy version of this for the whole family or if they are not "ready" for that I could have created something for just myself. A lesson learned in planning ;) Here's looking forward to another clean eating week!!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

     Carissa dropped her laptop and broke it so I am sharing some of her pics! She is on track and really doing well eating clean and starting to add in some exercise! She seems to have really conquered some great recipes with lots of flavor to keep satisfied. I think that is so important...if you can put together healthy meals that you love than success is right aroung the corner.... and that means healthy body and mind!

      Carissa's last trip to the market!
    Guacamole salad and quinoa goatcheese portabello
   Guilt free choc cocnut banana flax oatmeal                                    
 Exercise!!!!!!!! Hiking with the hubby!
More from carissa soon to come!!!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

   So today was a very easy day for me. Felt great getting up...hit the lemon water (no I dont love it yet) and was up for about 2 hours until I finally made my coffee! Imagine not RUNNING to the coffee maker first thing in the morning! The taste of unsweetened almondmilk in it did not bother me much today. I think it was the first time I actually enjoyed a cup all week! No pictures of meals today but here is a list of what I ate: lemon water, coffee, almondmilk, greentea (one cold and one hot).  Breakfast: Smoothie (strawberry, spinach, flaxseed, and banana). Lunch: Quinoa mixed with blk beans,onion, garlic, evoo, avocado and a dash of red hot with a side of shredded red cabbage, carrots, grape tomatoes, broccoli, added a dash of raw apple cidar vinegar. Apple for mid afternoon snack. Dinner: grilled Portabella mushroom with garlic and evoo, sauteed onion, spinach, garlic amd a side of steamed broccoli. I mananged to have 2 cups of green tea and a detox tea throughout the evening. Simple but satisfying today!! My biggest challenge was around 3 pm...I was so sleepy, but that is normal for me. This time of day I usually make another pot of coffee and dig around the house for some yummy chocolate ! Today I choose an apple and green tea! Still felt sleepy so I laid down with my youngest and tried to take a short nap. We watched spy kids together and that was enough for me to get a little energy back!
     Down a little more on the scale today ;) Challenges today were my husband's grilled BBQ chicken legs and collard greens cooked in turkey leg broth for dinner! The smell was amazing...I almost gave in to "just one" and "just a little" but I decided I would eat what I planned first. Glad I did bc it felt so good to stay in control of "me". My skin is really looking clear and its actually getting close to the time of month that I should really be breaking out. So I guess that saying really is true...YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!! ;)

Friday, September 21, 2012

    Woke up this morning feeling good again...I did not have that hangover feeling that I needed to rush to the coffee pot for coffee. I made my lemon water still hating it....but once again I survived. I then preceded to enjoy my coffee with unsweetened almond milk (well as much as I could). This then lead me to the scale...I am not an advocate of weighing myself constantly, I believe it only sets a person up for failure due to the fact you can fluctuate up and down two pounds daily. To my surprise was a number I have not seen for a very long time...I had lost 3.5 lbs????? Not getting too excited but still cant help but to pleased with myself. I do know that my choosing to eat healthy and nourish my body...the rest will fall into place!

   1pm...feeling a bit sleepy. Made lunch and then a small pot of coffee. Only drinking one cup. Pictures below are what I ate for meals so far today. Banana and some almonds for breakfast, Strawberry, walnut spinach salad for snack, made the same lunch as yesterday! I am a creature of habit! I find it much easier for me to stay on track by doing the same meals during the day or at least similar ones after I find something to enjoy. For a few days this happen and then try something else for a few days. Dinners will change so I have a variety of food nutrients and so I do not get bored. I have to admit shopping is much easier, on the wallet too, if you plan to eat the same meals for several days. If you have ever noticed in magazines they give you a week plan to follow to lose "that 10lbs". I could never follow pantry was always missing something . Who wants to go out and buy a ton of different food to plan out 42 small meals (6 small meals a day) over the course of a week! Just eat the same meals for success...keep track of the one you enjoy so you can go back to them!!! <3



Thursday September 20, 2012

     So here is my yesterday...once again my morning started out completely miserable and resentful that I am drinking hot lemon water and not my creamy smooth dark rich coffee!!! BUT I must admit even after making my dreadful lemon water i really didn't feel half bad. I struggled yesterday deciding on what to pack for a lunch...and what was my plan for the day. I know in the past that success will only happen if you PLAN and PREPARE! I however am not that far into my journey :) I did have my coffee only after I had two cups of hot lemon water...made it weak and used unsweeted almond milk...yuk! But again I survived!
Breakfast: banana and 8 almonds
Lunch: garbanzo beans chilled with grape tomatoes, evoo, garlic, honey, raw apple cidar vinegar, parsley and chis seeds.
Afternoon snack/Dinner: same as lunch
Snack: apple 10 almonds
I managed a few cups of hot green tea and two cups of detox tea before bed. I didnt feel half bad yesterday...felt pretty good until afternoon slump kicked in. I somehow managed to get thru the day and it wasnt half bad.


       I woke up today feeling! I have not lost any weight and I am not discouraged by that at all...the important thing is that I really felt great! I want to do this to make my inside healthy and then it will show on the outside! I had my lemon water, two cup and a cup of green tea...(but I do feel some type of way about drinking that before my coffee).

                                          My Breakfast today:

My Lunch today:

My afternoon snack????

Getting very excited about this new lifestyle change.
Lots more planning and getting used to it. BABYSTEPS!
 It feels good to do something good... for me!

As the afternoon comes and goes...I am very very sleepy. Could be from the food change but most likely from being up late last night. I am not hungry at last bite of food was the picture above and that was at about 2 pm...its 5:30 pm now. I am craving which I LOVE (craving but not hungry, this is when I would just go eat whatever I wanted...trying to recognize the difference, or at least be aware) but it must be eaten in moderation :) would also love a cup of joe with some hazelnut creamer. Cant wait to talk to Carissa after her latest adventure to the market buying tons of organic yummy foods!

So as the night went on I didnt feel hungry at all but was def wanting something like a dessert. I made Carissa's banana ice cream recipe which consisted of two mashed banana's, chopped walnuts, a dash of coconut milk, and a dash of peanut butter (I did not want to over do it with the peanut butter). I put it in the freezer for about 20 min to freeze but just couldn't wait any longer...its was delicious! Ended my night with detox tea!

Thursday September 20, 2012

       After reading another Detox book "Detox 4 Women" by: Natalia Rose I decided to make a couple changes to the Natural Foods plan. I decided that the detox I was on was just that and had an exiration date. I do not wish to have an expiration date on the way I chose to eat. I want a plan that ill give me more options and not set me up for failure. I also want to adjust my plan to cater to balancing the acid/alkeline componets in my body. Here are the changes

-I am getting rid of nuts and seeds because they are so high in fat and hard for your body to digest sometimes sitting in your digestive tract too long. The point of detox is to regulate how you get rid of waste.
-I am limeting the beans, they are also hard to digest but I need them for protein and fiber
-I am limeting sugary and acidic fruits such as bananas,oranges, mangoes, grapes ETC and sticking to apples, berries and grapefruit.
- I am adding dark chocolate as a part of my daily consumption it has fabulous antioxidants and it helps keep you from feeling deptived. It is really good for you in moderation.
- I am add healthy starches such as sweet potatoes, and squashes
- I am adding STRICLY BENNEFICIAL GRAINS- quinoa, millet, oats, and barley
-I am adding eggs for protein
-I am adding fish for protein and omega 3
-I am adding truvia to my recipes- it is not sugar it is a plant
-I am kickin up the green leafies in smoothies DAILY
-Unlimeted raw and cooked veggies
-Avocado everyday
-Goat and sheep dairy products are healthy and encouraged I will give them a try
-I will replace my cooking oils (wich go rancid when put under heat and add toxins to your body) with natural organic butter I will also use this to put on my sweet potatoes on occasion
-I will keep organic light olive oil for raw use in salads and garnishes

I am avoiding meat and dairy(cow products) from now on exccept for the occasional cheat meal wich kicks your digestive tract back in action.
I am still off the caffeine, added sugars, processed foods etc
*I will basically be vegan with the exception of fish, eggs, and goat cheese*

I feel with above changes I can turn clean eating into an ABSOLUTE life style change. I will enjoy food and eating and coming up with unique ways to bake and cook. Please stay tuned to see how it goes :)  Headed to the store now!

Wednesday September 19,2012
       So here goes...My name is April. So I wasnt too sure about posting on here but I know it will keep Carissa and I motivated and help me stay on track. I also know that by doing this Carissa will hold me accountable for my choices as I will her...hopefully they will all be good ;) As Carissa stated I am a very busy person...but not too busy that I shouldnt be taking good care of myself...for myself and for my family! Every mother/wife should put herself first but as we all know we do not. I can completely understand how many, many women get married, start a family and become out of shape and overweight. Not one person ever says...oh let me start a family and lose myself in the process. The fact is it just happens...we spend all day everyday taking care of our loved ones and we are last.
    There is more to clean eating than losing weight and getting smaller...its about getting healthy and forcing myself to explore new meal ideas. Once I am completely back on focus with eating habits to NOURISH my body, I will be working harder to get my family to explore this change. My family does eat mainly whole foods for dinner with minimal processed however there is alot of food in the house that does not belong. The girls eat lots of fruits and veggies, my son on the other hand...only eats steamed broccoli and a banana from time to time. My goal is to not cut out all processed foods but to use them in moderation and teach my family this is a healthier way to live.
    Today is actually my clean eating day two! I dabled a bit with it on Monday during the day (I have also dabled a bit in the past and really tried to eat mostly clean doing weight watchers, I lost 30 lbs)...but had already planned Itailian night with the family so my day one of Clean Eating was on Tuesday. I absolutely dreaded it at 5:45 in the morning...while I am usually brewing a wonderful pot of coffee to drink with my hazelnut creamer...I was boiling hot water to drink with lemon. I was actually pretty resentful of clean eating while sipping it. Pretty much in a nut shell I CANNOT function without that first cup. No kids will be woke, no lunches will be packed...I will not shower or do anything until I have my first cup. So lets just say my morning was a little miserable for me but I made it!!
   So I still have some groceries to purchase for my two weeks of fruit, veggies, nuts, seeds, beans and healthy fats...Oh and Green tea or hot water with lemon in the morning :p My first day looked like this...
         Breakfast: banana, 8 almonds 
         Snack: apple
         Lunch: garbanzo beans w onion, garlic,tomato, oregano, parsley...sauteed in EVOO
         Snack: same as lunch only I added baby spinach      
         Dinner: I was lost due to poor planning...steamed broccoli, sauteed spinach, onion and garlic in 
           EVOO....and yes you read it correctly no protein.
         Snack: In which I knew I should not have had fruit so late...but again poor planning making the best choices on a stressful schedule. apple, banana and 8 almonds. I did not drink enought water but I had several glasses of iced green tea, a few cups of hot green tea and 2 cups of detox tea. I did end up drinking 2 small cups of coffee but I used unsweetened almond milk for creamer...and that my friends was the worst part of my day. My food tasted coffee was horrible! I was very weak and sleepy most of the day...but I think Monday I felt worse.
   Day two today...feeling great! Challeges still homemade crock pot sloppy joes (even though it was considered a healthy recipe)...but I will stay strong. I will log my food later!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
     I was very busy yesterday so I didn't get a chance to post. I was VERY tired monday night like, EXAUSTED. I was asleep by 10 pm and drifting in and out long before. I had an even harder time Tuesday morning. I felt hung over by exaustion and lack of sugars, and caffeine. My body was screaming for coffee and pancakes.
I got up and made some hott green tea with lemon and breakfast, I had a black bean burger over greens with avocado and some fresh pineapple on the side.

 It filled me up and gave me enough energy to clean up, make lunch and get dinner in the crockpot and run errands. For Lunch I had a grilled portabello over mixed greens with caramalized onion and garlic, the rest of the avacado and about half of a fresh tomatoe and some green pepper raw on the side. I snacked on carrots and hummus and nuts. I drank about 3 quarts of water. For dinner I made 16 bean soup but had to take it to my father in laws because we were doing laundry at his house (our washing machine broke) I made the soup from scratch and it was a 100% clean other than 3 slices of bacon and the organic chicken stock. It was loaded with fresh veggies, herbs and healthy beans. I had  no choice but to eat it because Johnny' dad doesn't really buy fruits or veggies. I think my decision making could have been worse considering I also made homemade cornbread and didn't even taste it. I alo got the kids strawberry shortcakes from roy rodgers and resisted temptation again. I will not beat myself up for a healthy homemade soup ;)
        Today I felt much better. I notice I am not feeling as much muscle pain, I don't feeled as weighed down, my eyes feel refrehed. WITH NO COFFEE!?!?!  I think I may be over the hump. I woke up at 8am and felt good enough to make my family a huge breakfast.  Pancakes, eggs, and maple sausage links. Breakfast food is MY FAVORITE it is also the most important meal to me. I am alway starving in the morning for a big hott breakfast. My favorite way to start the day before was a huge hott cup of coffee, two eggs over medium and a peice of whole wheat toast. I am proud that I resisited temptation once again. I was salavating while I was cooking the sausage.

I made myelf a black bean burger over half and avocado. I had a banana and celery with organic peanutbutter.

I am so full! I have plenty of energy and I feel pretty good. The hardest part I think from here is going to be drinking enough water. I really have to force myself. Ialso find it realy hard to walk or excersise with all these kids, maybe ill do some yoga today or more vigorous cleaning. I know I can do this, if I am already feeling better I owe it to myself to see how I will feel in 1 more week. Hopefully you wil hear from April soon. She is a busy lady so give her some time :) Thank again for reading.

DINNER UPDATE! I made a delicous baked stuffed portabello mushroom!
I scraped out the inside of the mushroom carefully, covered it in salt pepper and coconut oil
I chopped up the inside of the mushroom
I added tomatoe
black beans
lemon juice and
baby spinach
I stuffed it in the mushroom and...
Baked it at 400 for about 20 min
Served with sliced avocado and mixed greens!

DESSERT IDEA!!!!! I mashed up bananas (because I couldn't get my food processor to work but do it in there) I added a splash of coconut milk, some seeds and chopped almonds and tbs of organic peanutbutter. I mixed it all up and froze it. What a perfect bed time snack! Excited to eat it.

Water count- I sucked today. I am making up for it and chugging a quart now :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Okay, I started the day with a positive attitude. I battled the thought for awhile of not giving up coffee right away, and decided to cut it, cold turkey. So my morning began with a refreshing, detoxifying, cup of hot water with half a fresh lemon (I had two of those and a cup of hott green tea). I had a banana and an apple and munched on some seeds. It only took me an hour or two to feel the effects the lack of coffee/caffeine would do to me. I was exausted. All day! I had a teeny naggy headache and no motivation. Now please do not mistake my honesty with complaining. I want to explain what clean eating really means, and so far it means feeling like sh** for a couple days(one so far but I know more is to come).For snack it was a couple grape and kale chips. I was starving for lunch, for bad things. I wanted cake, and a large bacon sandwich (it's amazing how much of a mental thing this whole dieting idea is, I just started and I am already craving bacon??)
Instead I opted for a large salad with a sliced up sauteed portabello mushroom. Spring mix, tomatoes, red onion, carrots, lemon, olive oil salt and pepper. I cooked the mushroom in coconut oil and garlic. That was good, I am pretty sure I put too much lemon on my salad. I washed lunch down with a cup of hott green tea. I drank abour 13 glasses of water today. I peed about the same amount, wich would be TMI if I didn't tell you I usually only go once a day.

I just lazed all day. I accomplished nothing other than feeding my kids,entertaining and caring for my baby Jax, and not cheating. For my family for dinner I had crockpot chicken teryaki on the menu, I got it all in and then snacked on some pineapple and nuts.

The chicken teryaki taunted me for the remainder of the day. My house smelled like a mall food court and here I am chewing on seeds (not complaining) Dinner went well. I made a huge pan of steamed brocoli, rice and chicken Teryaki for the family, and I made a homemade bean burger for myself (black beans, garlic, onion, spinach, shredded carrot all mashed up and fried carefully in coconut oil) accompanied by the brocoli and some raw carrots with hummus. Dinner gave me a little energy to bathe the kids, get them in bed and clean the house up a little. I didn't cheat! Before bed snack was a banana.

So tho I am not starving or dying I would certainly say I am not feeling very satisfied nd am experiencing an annoying headache. But the thought of fitting in my winter jeans, that I am ridding my body of toxins which are causing me to be unhealthy, and that in 13 days I can have some oatmeal or a peice of whole grain toast, and feel fuller has been getting me through. It has also been really great getting advice and being able to go to my couin, and also being able to report to April. With some motivation, determination, and a little support I think this life style change could possibly be for life!!
Thanks for reading. Pray for me ;)

Sunday Spetember 16, 2012

     Tomorrow I begin a little life change- starting with my eating habbits. I am going to go "clean" which basically means I will be vegan for 2 weeks except I am not having grains either. I am actually really excited. I just unloaded my groceries and the house smells of freshly baked kale chips. I know my blog is really supposed to focus on parenting and Stay at home Mom stuff but whos to say I can't add a little bit about healthy eating? I want to write about this in a small section of my blog because I know it will be hard. I know there will be times where I want to give up, or want to cheat, or feel miserable, but I also know having a reader or two to not let down will help me.Or if anything it will serve as my own personal food journal/diary/ motivational tool.

    My cousin Ashley, though, we maintain a strict "facebook friendship" relationship these days (which I hope will change one day), has inspired me tremendously. I am just seeing how she is really taking her own health and happiness and life into her own hands and I really wanted to try it. She seems really happy and motivated and healthy by this "diet" I think and hope I could too. I know this will work because it makes sense. The question is, am I strong enough to follow through? Can I be a grown up and realize food is JUST FOOD. It is to give you energy and nourishment, not to taste AH-Mazing and than ruin your ass.

Here is what I am giving up temporarily wich worries me-
Coffee (My fav way to start the day)
Eggs (My second favorite way to start the day
My second cup of coffee :(
My ability to go all day without drinking sufficent amounts of water
chocolate (It will be that time of the month)
Bread- Love it.... but it doesnt love me so It's gotta go
This is how sucsessfull my grocery trip was this week :)

Here is what I will be eating and I'm kinda thrilled about it :)
Smoothies- for breakfast- Kale, spinach,pineapple, banana, almond milk, and flax seeds
Hot green tea or hott water with lemon- how detoxifying!?!?
Avocadoes- LOVE THEM
Kale chips
hummus and veggies
lots of yummy salads
beans beans their good for your heart!
Apples and organic peanutbutter
celery and organic peanutbutter
Coconut oil
Grilled portabello
mmmm Mushrooms onions and garlic and spinach
love me some steamed brocoli
nuts and seeds and berries... yummy
I can eat more often and not feel bad about it
I can eat and not feel bad period BECAUSE IT'S ALL GOOOOOOD!


  1. Wait, you're not drinking water?

  2. I am drinking LOTS of water. Starting the day with hot water and lemon, ice water all day, green tea with lunch and
    before bed (no sugar added not even natural)

  3. I meant above that I usually go all day without drinking any water, I just drink coffee, or swig smoe milk or orange juice and then I will be really thirsty and chug water all evening. Now I can't do that.
