I am Carissa Whitworth. Mom of four, the end. For some people it is that easy, for me not so much. I have this horribly annoying habbit of letting my thoughts, feelings, beleifs, and obnoxious need to be the funniest, sparkliest person in the room get the best of my first Impression (I am a Gemini) First best thing about a blog is I can think before I type. Second best thing is I have my own permission to write about whatever I like, whenever I like, and however much I like. I have a habit of blabbing and over posting on my social networking sites (yes, sadly I am one of THOSE people) so I decided it would be best for me, and my darling followers if I rambled on a more approriate space.
There are Eleven things you need to know about me to "get me".
1. I know it all. Seriously I always have an answer, and mine are always the best. (This is something I continue to work on) I am also an over talker, and have a bad habit of interupting people because my ideas are better. Tisk tisk. I also tend to have an astounding ability to go on and on and on and on about one subject.
2. I am amazingly charming and witty and funny. I really beleive this and even though my need to entertain could possibly get old, I have to admit that a little bit of confidence never hurt anyone. Besides, I am a stay at home mom, When I get an adult I must use all of my super powers to keep their company or else, it's back to toddler talk.
3. I just want to help. All joking aside; when I have the right answer I truly just want to help people, Expecially moms, EXPECIALLY young moms. I have a very rare amount of experience for a mom/housewife of my age and I'd like to share it.
4. I did not attend college, SO excuse me while I attempt proper grammar, punctuations, spelling etc. HEY I could be dummmer.... Just kidding I know it's dumber :)....hmmm or is it more dumb? Whatever.
5. I think being a Stay at home Mom is THE hardest job ever. So if you disagree Pahleeeese don't let the door hit you where the "good lord" spilt you, because you will probably hate everything I have to say.
6. I am 23 years old. I met my now husband John when I was 16, we have been together over 7 years.
7. We have four kids. Crazy, huh????? You must know their names and how cute and amazing and funny and perfect they are!! I have twins- Madison and Cayden (Girl/Boy) and SERIOUSLY no, they are not Identical and YES they did 100% completely destroy my body. (Hate you to ALL twin moms who dodged the stretch marks, seriously I have alien theories behind that) Anyways, my twinnies are 4, and will be 5 in deceber. I also have another girl- Sienna, she is 3, and she is beautiful, and easy going. Our last and final is our little stud muffin- Jackson (Jax) he is 7 months old, and just a little cutie!
8. We live on our own and always have. We are buying our first house RIGHT NOW, are in the process and hoping to move in by October.
9. I intend to homeschool my kids, as if my life isn't already interesting enough. I do not intend on having those weird, socks and sandals, over intellegent, hermit homeschooled kids, after all I am charming witty and FAAAABULOUS ;)
10. I am obsessively homeopathic, holistic, all natural, healthy want THE best for my kids. I do not beleive in Vaccines, Nitrates, or boxed pop tarts. Seriously. I am a crazy person.
11. The teen girl in me that REFUSES to go away, forces me to over use exclamation marks, smiley and winky faces and the gratifying effect the Caps Lock buttong has. SERIOUSLY !!!!!!! :) :) :) :)
I'm Working on it....?
These are the basics. I will have PLENTY more to say. I am pleased to make your aquaintence and I look forward to writing more in the future.
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