I decided to make Friday's "Food Pyramid Friday" because I think it is natural human instict these days to declare weekends as "free for all" days and pretend like your health options do not exist. So why not do the opposite of family night pizza night? We are going to go the entire day following the food pyramid guidelines. Before we start on our menu and pictures I would love to give you a little food pyramid history lesson.
The food pyramid was first invented and published in Sweden in 1979 with cheap and filling foods in mind in order to cater to the entire population (obviously differing drastically from our own). It was the thought that if people could use what they can afford to create the healthiest, filling meals than everyone could benefit. Later in 1992 the United States Department of Agriculture developed their own pyramid catering to Americas cultural, and social nutritional needs. They later revised it in 2005 and then replaced it all together in 2011 with "my plate" dividing one's plate into four sections with fruits and vegetable taking up half and grains and protein taking up the other half, with our economy and obeisity epidemic in mind. There are many other countries who have formed their own form of a food pyramid. There are even ones adapted by the World Health Organization.
My Favorite is the MOST RECENT USDA Food Pyramid it really shows how a human is supposed to benefit from consuming a well balanced diet.
The original pyramid from 1995 is what a lot of Americans are stuck on. It reccomends 6-11 servings for grains a day whether they are bleached or not which is CRAZY. Also under the guidelines one would be permitted to drink 3 8oz glasses of whole milk a day, and allow the broad consumption of red meat which both have been linked to heart disease and diabetes.
The vast lack of reguard to the food pyramid is a cultural and generational issue that is usually and unfortunatley passed down. There are families that take it into consideration and families that ignore it all together. Families who have been taught "eat everything on your plate (no matter what it is)" and "finish your milk" and "carry out when I don't feel like cooking" or who focus on money and material possesions before their own health, are setting a trend that is ruining America's reputation when it comes to our health, our eating habits and our culture. Literally, the habits of most Americans are killing. Childhood obeisity is an extreme epidemic in the United States. People use the excuse that eating healthy is too expensive, well a bag of chips cost more than 2 pounds of apples do that math, swapping whole grain pasta from potatoes will SAVE you money, fat free milk and whole milk cost the same, yogurt is cheaper than ice cream, ground turkey and ground beef are withing $1 of each other per pound, Eggs and toast cost less than poptarts (per person) ! People need to make changes. Stop ingoring the problems of our population and give healthy eating a real try. If you have no kids, one kid or four like me, it is possible if you have one it is not only possible IT IS EASY PEASY. YOU and expecially the health and the future of your kids are worth it.
SO...please unite lets break the mode, change the pace, teach our kids what it means to live healthy, fight with me and give Food Pyramid Friday and try! It is fun and and it teaches your kids what a real balanced diet is it teaches them to make healthy choices. I think it would also be good to teach parents how to prioritize their grocery budget.
Here is our day (My computer is not letting me up load pics :( )
Breakfast- Yougurt, organic granola, frozen blue berries and rasberries,a slice of 12 grain toast and organic butter. 1 egg.
Food Pyramid Points- Dairy, whole grains, fruits, healthy fats, and protein.
For adults I would (and did) substitute yogurt for plain greek yogurt, and add some baby spinach to your egg!
Lunch- (I had a spinach salad with chicken, egg, and mushroom and apple because I went to lunch witha friend ) No dressing and I had water. GO ME!
Kids- Turkey and cheese sandwich with baby spinach on 12 grain bread, carrot sticks, and pretzels, and grapes.
Food Pyramid Points- Whole grain, vegetables (2 servings) Fruits (1 serving) Protein, dairy
Dinner- Healthy Food Pyramid lasagna.
Ingredients- (I couldnt find whole grain lasagna noodles , sadly so white will have to do. technically it counts as a grain but I do not agree)
Lasagna Noodles
Ground turkey
1/2 a roll of pork sausage
2 cups of baby spinach
fat free ricotta cheese
low fat motzerella
all natural pasta sauce
Parmesean cheese
(I usually use portabello mushrooms instead of meat BUT I am sticking to the food pyramid)
Serving it with a ceasar salad, low fat milk, and Fruit :)
This is an all in one meal***********
Food Pyramid Points- Protein, Grains, Dairy, Vegetables, Healthy fats, fruits,
All made with love and no guilt <3
I hope I can add pictures soon!
Jan 3, 2013
Vegetarian Thursday
I am hoping for my recipes for my themed nights to be more creative and interesting, but lets crawl before we walk. Now, there are right ways to be vegetarian or vegan and there are wrong ways. The first being for personal reason such as an adversion to the killing of animals for human consumption, the second for being against the mainstream practice of commercially producing, bulking, slaughtering and processing animal products for human consumption and last is for health reasons to have a perfectly balanced, detoxed and clean digestive system since animal products are hard for human digestion. The first two should always be combined with the last, if you are going to make the personal decision to not consume meat or animal products of any kind, you need to do it with your health in mind. To eliminate meat and animal products out of ones diet is to eliminate the only whole source of a combined protein besides soy. Soy can be just as unhealthy and processed and horribly mainstream as cattle packed into a 4 foot area can be. You need to be carefull. You can not make the choice to go vegan and then fill your body with unhealthy grains, snacks, frozen meals full of fake ingredients just becausr they are "vegan" or even "vegan and organic" it wont work and you basically are covering a beautiful healthy choice with bad decision making. You would be saving the animals and killing yourself.
You need to make an effort to be healthy. You should really focus on whole grains, beans, non GMO soy (Non Genetically Modefied) raw nuts and seeds, fruits, vegetables EXPECIALLY leafy greens such as raw kale and baby spinach, I would (and will) add fish wild caught and organic, and I beleive that free range, organic eggs are an acceptable choice for vegetarians and vegans Some would strongly disagree. A vegetarian and or vegan should always add a complete multi vitamin to their diets, consume large amounts of water and eliminate junk and empty calories out of their diet. No soda, candy, chips, processed foods, fast food, or unhealthy fats and oils. With that not only do I want Vegetarian Thursday to be free of meat (sometimes we will do vegan thursday) but I want it to be without meat and a REAL health meal. I want it to include all the best parts of the food pyramid and you should try it too :)
Tonight- Cheesy Baby Spinach(fresh and organic) Quinoa (cooked the same as rice) and Black Bean Burgers on 12 grain bread (or lettuce wrap)
For Dessert : Fruit salad and greek yogurt
Cost: If you use frozen spinach, plain yogurt, and whole wheat bread for a family of six this meal should cost you around $15.00
For a less carb packed meal I suggest replacing the bread with a lettuce wrap maybe add some salsa!
Ingredients: 1/2 Cup Motzerella Cheese
2 cups of uncooked Quinoa (ps. Quinoa is also the only other food besides meat and soy that is a complete combined protein. It also is low fat and related to beets and spinach, is high is calcium, phosphorus, and iron, fiber ) Quinoa can be a tad on the expensive side but it's health bennefits are worth the cost.
Black Bean Burgers
Salt Pepper
2 cans of organic black beans
1/2 a red onion minced finely
1 clove of garlic
1 egg
1/2 cup of seasoned bread crumbs
1/3 cup Parm cheese
1 cup chopped spinach
Mix with hands shape to pattys and cook on a lightly sprayed non stick pan on med heat till brown on both sides
Cheesy Spinach Quinoa
1 cup of Quinoa
2 cups of water (use chicken stock if you are not concerned about vegetarian)
1/2 cup shredded part skim motzerella
1 cup of chopped baby spinach
(add fresh tomatoes for a yummy summer side)
Garlic salt
2tbs real butter
Cook like rice (read directions on box) add seasoning. When fluffy and soft add cheese and spinach and mix turn off heat and cover until you serve.
This dinner was delicious. My kids ate ALL OF IT. I add cheese to make it kid friendly but sugest that adults eat the quinoa minus the cheese. I also added cheese to my kids burgers, but I am just glad they ate it. I plut my burger and my Quinoa into a whole Romaine Lettuce leaf and it was yummy and filling and less carbs and calories. This was a sucessful vegetarian Thursday. I look forward to next week. Until then I will see you for Food Pyramid Friday :)
Jan 1 2013
Happy New Year!
I am back ! So now I get to document our family meals again and this time we are mixing it up!
I will now be adding Raw meal Mondays- meaning the meal is 100 percent raw and 150 percent healthy. My kids are freaks of nature (thank goodness :) and will eat anything so why not take advantage of it?
Also making an appearance is Vegetarian Thursday which speaks for itself and then Food Pyramid Fridays- meaning the entire meal will have to involve every aspect of the food pyramid! SO I am planning my grocery list, I am super excited and can't wait to share my week with you starting tomorrow night! Well tomorrow night is 16 bean soup I have already posted the recipe soooo see ya for Vegetarian Thrusday!
Wednesday September 19, 2012
Mom is Feelin better!
SHRIMP AND VEGGIE STIR FRY(carrot, brocoli, green pepper, baby spinach, onion, garlic)
Here is what you need
1 box of Macaroni about 16 oz
2 bags shredded sharp cheddar cheese
(it is always fun to add a new more exotic cheese- asiago, gouda)
3tbs flour
3tbs greese or oil or butter
about 3 cups of whole milk
ground mustard
Directions: Boil Macaroni, drain before its all the way soft and put it to the side.
-In a pan put your choice of fat- melt it and add flour using whisk mix it, it should be pasty in texture
cook on med for about 45 seconds
-add milk and whish vigorously raise temp to hi keep stiring
-add salt pepper and ground mustart
-as the mixure begins to bubble you should feel it thicken
-once fully bubbling and thick cut off the heat
-add cheese (saving some for the top) and stir stir stir
-Mix the macaroni and the sauce together and place in a greased 8x8 casserole
-Top with cheese and bread crumbs
-Place in the oven at 380 and cook untill brown and bubbly on the top
Let it rest for about 5 min before you cut into it and as always
For dessert we had chocolate pudding topped with a special halloween oreo- in these cute little ice cream cups I bought!
Tuesday Spetember 18, 2012
We had a busy day, but as I am on a diet and couldn't bare the thought of stopping for fast food later on, I put 16 bean soup in the crockpot and made some homemade cornbread. Stick to the menu= saving money and not tempting mommy. We were going to my father in laws to drop off the twins so we could do some shopping with a a lighter kiddie load and then coming back and using him for his apartment laundry room. So I packed it all up ad brought it with us.
16 bean soup is my husbands favorite fall/winter treat here is what you need:
1 package goya 16 bean soup mix
4 sices of bacon
1 pack of goya ham concentrate
1 1/2 cartons of chicken broth
1bay leaf
Follow directions on back of soup package
sautee all veggies meat and herbs
throw in crock pot with beans
boil chicken stock and add it to the pot
cook on high for 3 hours
and remain on low for a thicker chili consistancy!! No pics it was GONE :)
For dessert we got the kids strawberry shortcakes from roy rodgers!
Monday September 17,2012
Back to the weekly grind
Even though mom is on a strict cleanse diet I was still nice and planned regular delicious meals for the week. Tonight was Crockpot Teryaki chicken over white rice (you can and should do brown the grocery store was out of the brown rice I like) with steamed brocoli.
Photo borrowed from pinterest where I got origional recipe
Didn't feel like taking pictures tonight :)
It was pretty good, smelled delicious my only complaint is the recipe didn't give you any directions jut ingredients and the chicken had a weird texture so next time I will be browning mine before I throw it in. This recipe is really cheap and really easy.
Here is what you need-
Chicken tenders
1/3 cup low sodium soy sauce
1/2 cup pineapple juice (I cut up a fresh pineapple and added chunks and squeezed the core for juice)
1/2 cup of brown sugar
sprinkle red pepper flakes
some minced garlic
Brown your chicken in cubes
throw everything in the pot and let it cook for a few hours on high or for 6-8 hours on low
September 15, 2012
Baby sitter cancelled- Date night at home <3
I go all out for my hubby this isnt pre breaded frozen shrimp!
This is fresh, breaded, fried shrimp on fresh HOTT baguette, with lettuce tomatoe and homemade garlic mayo :)
Here is what you need AND IT IS WORTH IT BELEIVE ME
1lb shrimp cleaned
bread crumbs
new orleans cajun spice
large fresh french baguette
shoestring fries
romain lettuce
roma tomatoes
hellmans mayo
chopped garlic
remoulade sauce if you want
**** Mix Mayo and garlic A GOOD AMOUNT put in fridge to marinate
add cajun spice to flour coat shrimp in it
make egg mixture with 3 eggs splash of milk and a couple dashes of hott sauce
give shrimp a bath in egg mixure
mix panko, bread crumbs
coat shrimp and deep fry in vegatable oil (id do the fries first and then coat in cajun season)
Cut baguette into sandwich size
scoop out bread in bottom half
bake at 400 to get toasty
fill bottom half with garlic mayo and add your romain
cover top half with garlic mayo and place your tomatoes
add large generous helping og shrimp ontop lettuce
September 14, 2012
WE DID IT!!! A WEEK OF GOOD HOMECOOKED MEALS FOR A FAMILY OF 6 FOR LESS THAN $120.00 AND THATS WITH DESSERT! Tomorrow is a kids free night because granma will have them so me and hubby will probably go out for dinner, and Sunday is easy meal, because I have shopping and meal planning and weekend catch up chores. I also start my new clean eating plan on Monday I intend to semi- involve the kids and dinners. So everyone can just suck it up and eat a sandwich!
Tonight caps it off with a super healthy and filling Friday night dinner.
Tilapia Filets Baked with olive oil, salt, pepper, and salsa I used spicy Garlic Lime Verde for me and Johnny and Mild regular salsa for the kids, topped with fresh cilantro. Accompanied by Homemade Fried rice with eggs and veggies, and buttered whole wheat bread
Healthy Brown Fried rice
1 pouch frozen microwavable brown rice
frozen green beans
frozen peas and carrots
3 eggs
tbs olive oil
garlic salt (or real garlic I just was not in the mood)
Cook veggies in olive oil
add egg cook on high heat once cooked and scrambled
add rice
add salt and pepper
mix well
take off heat, cover, and it's ready!
Spiced up Tilapia
Frozen Tilapia filet
olive oil
salsa of any kind
fresh cilantro
Defrost filets
cover in oil salt and pepper
add salsa on top
bake at 425 for about 10 min
take them out and sprinkle with fresh cilantro
*No Dessert, we had muffins for breakfast and I've spoiled my family enough this week and it'll give me extra time to Re-read 50 shades of Grey trilogy because I have been missing it.
September 13, 2012
Was an easy Family night but still made it healthy!
Pizza and Sald. Probably the best combo ever invented. The pizza is a 5 dollar frozen Pizza I think it was Digorno. In the salad I had left over Iceberg (which I never buy due to the lack of nutritional value but needed a good lettuce for lettuce wraps and tacos) I added baby spinach, carrots, onion an fresh baby tomatoes from the garden, also it wouldn't be pizza and salad without the ranch!
For dessert we all shared a Dove milk chocolate bar while watching Disney Jr :)
September 12, 2012
Talk about a kid friendly, budget friendly, kitchen friendly, meal!!
Tonights dinner was "Cheesy Crockpot Ravioli"
This main dish cost me $7.50 for the whole family with enough left over for the kids lunch tomorrow. me being the food pyramid freak I am, I couldn't JUST do the ravioli and sauce expecially since I opted for cheese ravioli instead of meat.
I also added a grilled romain salad with baby spinach, sauteed garbanzo beans, onion and carrots, and I also made cheesy garlic bread.
I was a little bit of an over acheiver today, I guess- because I also made homemade Vanilla- Lemon pudding cupcakes with a yummy homemade vanilla glaze :) go mommy!
Let me show you how to do it yourself !
Cheesy Crockpot Ravioli-
Here is what you need!
1 large bag of frozen ravioli
2 jars of pasta sauce (I used 1 italian sausage and 1 parmesean garlic the combo was nice)
1 15 oz can of tomatoe sauce
italian seasoning
olive oil
2 garlic cloves
2 cups of motzerella cheese
Turn on your crockpot
drizzle oil on the bottom and add your first jar of sauce and 2 smashed whole garlic cloves and some italian seasoning
add ravioli
add rest of sauces on top and a cup of cheese, more olive oil, salt and pepper and italian seasoning
Cook on high for about three hours
Stir it up
Add remaining cheese ontop and cook for another hour
Serve it up!!!
Vanilla- Lemon pudding cupcakes with vanilla glaze
1box vanilla cake mix
1 box lemon pudding
3 eggs
1 cup water
1/4 cup oil
*Mix it all up and bake
1/2 cup room temp butter
about 3 cups confection sugar
couple drops of vanilla extract
splash of milk
When cupcakes are still warm coat in glaze, let cool and reglaze.
September 11, 2012
Tonight felt like a comfort food night. I testes out another new recipe in the crockpot!
Homemade Creamy Crockpot Meatballs over Egg Noodles
Here is what you need:
Meatballs the origional recipe calls for frozzen but I wanted to make healthier homemade ones with more flavor:
Ground Turkey
Half and onion minced
2 cloves of garlic minced
handfull of fresh baby spinach chopped
handfull of cornflakes or break crumbs
1 egg
salt and pepper
Mix ingredients with hands and roll into small balls
Brown in pan with olive oil
Meanwhile in crockpot:
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
1 can of milk
1/3 cup of cream
4 dallops of sour cream
salt and pepper
Add meatballs cover and and cook on high for about two hours or longer if desired. You can take meatballs out and whisk sauce and put them back in.
Serve over egg noodles with veggies
Grade- A
Bon Apetit!
For dessert we had hersheys chocolate chunk brownies HOTT out of the oven sprinkled with powdered sugar. They deserved it <3September 10, 2012
Tonight we had our own little fiesta at home with a South of the Border Hash Brown Bake
Time: about an hour
Cost; About 9 dollars
Per Person: about $1.30
I wanted to try something new. It is easy to get stuck in a dinner rut and with a 100 dollar weekly budget for a family of six, it is imparitive to learn how to be creative. We were alittle unimpressed with this recipe as is. I ended up having to add extra salt, sour cream and serve with tortilla chips and garlic and lime verde salsa. The fresh Cilantra was a nice touch and the kids didn't mind it. Id say for the cost, the effort and for the ability to repurpose the leftovers as a breakfast food this recipe gets a C.
Here is what you need
1 package of frozen hashbrown potatoes
1 can black beans
1 can corn
1 red pepper
2 cups montery jack cheese
half a small container of sour cream
salt and pepper to taste
fresh cilantro to taste
2 cups egg whites
1/4 cup of milk
tortilla chips
You basically just throw it all in the dish (saving half the cheese and the cilantro for the top) mix it up bake at 350 for 50 minutes take it out add cheese put it back in until brown and bubbly, sprinle cilantro on top let sit for a couple min. Serve with chips salsa and with a smile because you are a budget savy diva who cooked a hot, healthy, tummy filling meal, instead of ordering out :)
The real start tonight was the dessert!!!!
Homemade Gooey Sticky Peanut butter Marshmallow-
Milk chocolate Krispee Treats!
Here is what you need
Generic brans Rice cereal
About a cup of cheap peanutbutter
a dap of butter
2 bags mini marshmallows
1/2 milk chocolte bar cut into chunks
Melt peanutbutter and butter on low heat
add 1 bag of marshmallows stir on low until all melted
pour about 4 cups of cereal in large bowl and
add the goo.
Stir until warm not HOTT
add some more marshmallows like a cup
add half the chocolate
get an 8x8 casserole dish
spray with cooking spry
press mixure into perfect level layer
add remaining chocolate
add some cut up marshmallow peices
let cool
September 8, 2012
What's cookin in the whitworth household tonight?
Family Taco Night!! (Make your own.. mess)
We did a combo of hard shell tacos and Iceburg lettuce wraps
Spice it up!! Make your own tomato topping
We couldn't get the food processor to work so here is an even better idea. My husband attached his
drill to the top of the blade and chopped my tomatoes. My hero :) Talk about redneck cookin. May I add the cherry tomatoes came fresh from our very own garden!
Okay so here is what you need
olive il
fresh cracked pepper
a drill
a half functioning, impossible to figure out, but looks good in the cabinet; food processor
a husband to do the heavy lifting and life threatning handy work
a glass of wine to watch amused
a good sense of humor
Throw all your toppings on the table with napkins and let everyone have FUN after all, the maid will clean up the mess ;) Now THAT is family fun and a good way to spend a saturday night <3
If that isn't a sucsessfull dinner I don't know what is
Bon Apetit!
September 7, 2012
Banana Oatmeal Bread
Time to make: 1 hour
Time it takes for it to disapear: .5 seconds.
TOTAL COST: About $4.00 for two loaves

photo and recipe courtesy of Holler for not taking credit :)
Here is what you will need. Or improvise! It's your Kitchen girrrrrrrl.
1 1/2 cups of flour (I used king arthurs unbleached cuz i'm cool)
1 cup of old fashion oats
nuts if you want but I prefer nuts to stay in trail mix thank you
2 eggs
1 cup of mashed ripe bananas
1/4 cup of oil and it wouldn't hurt to throw a couple thumps of butter in there
2/3 cup of sugar why dont you throw some brown sugar in there too!! Just eyeball it!
a little palmfull of baking soda a dash of baking powder- who has the time to find the spoons?
a splash of cream or milk
a dash of salt
some good baking music- Honky Tonk Badaonk a Donk?? and Shake that booty while you mix it all up
Throw it in a loaf pan sprinkle with sugar, brown sugar, some oats and butter
350 for about an hour
Take a nap or make some COFFEEEE you deserve it cuz you worked so hard
Serve HOTT and with butter
Lock the rest away for yourself because your family will eat it all and when 10pm hits you will wish you did
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