Tuesday, January 1, 2013

21 questions to ask your kids!!!!!!!!

I havn't posted in a while but things have been busy. I decided to do a little project tonight with my kids before bed that I found on pinterest I asked them 21 questions and got each individual answer.
Sienna only answered a few she is too young I think. The answers really touched my heart and made me see what my kids really think and value about me/our relationship. It is suprising to see the things they remember and what they think about you.
THE MOST INTERESTING - I did the questions in private with each kid so they didnt hear each others answers. It is funny how alike all the answers are!

1. What does mommy always say to you?
Cayden: Go to bed, Brush your teeth, eat breakfast
Sienna: Don't go outside (alone)

2.What makes mommy really happy?
Cayden: Helping you clean

3. What doesn't make mommy very happy?
Cayden: When we don't listen to you
Madison: when we don't listen
(They know this!!! now I know for a fact I am not too hard on them when they don't listen)

4.How does mommy make you laugh?
Cayden: Tickling me
Madison: Tickle us
Sienna: Tickle me

5.What was mommy like when she was a kid?
Cayden: Toys (Have no idea what that means)
Madison: ME!!

6.How old do you think mommy is?
Cayden: 7!
Madison (started to say 20) then told me I had to to tell her the answer and then settled with 13
Sienna: 5

7.How tall do you think mommy is?
Cayden: super giant
Madison: Really tall
Sienna: holds her arms as high as they go

8.What is mommy's favorite thing to do?
Cayden: cook breakfast
Madison: color with us, play with us, love us

9. What does mommy do when you are not around?
Cayden: ............
Madison: nothing.... goes on a date
Sienna: looks for us

Unfortunately I lost the paper I wrote this down on. I just got my computer back up since the move. I still wanted to post the 9 questions anyway. I loved this little Q&A. It made me feel like a good mom.

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