Thursday, September 20, 2012

Itching to Close

   We have been in the process of buying a house for about a month we are under contract, all the loans were approved, we are just waiting on the contractor. The house we fell in love with happened to be a HUD home (Housing of Urban Development)- not to be confused with section 8 or public housing, Meaning we are not receiving financial aids or grants, the houses are just more affordable. I am not really sure how it works it is some kind of bank owne/government owned forclosure. Getting to closing is a pain in the A**. With the kind of loan we qalified for it essentially requires us to have a licsenced contractor bid for the left over loan money in order to use for rennovations on the home.
Almost all foreclosures NEED work.

         There are alot of back and forths, appraisals, and the bank forcing us to have pest inspectors, roof inspectors, well and septic insepctors, and once that all checks out and the contractors bid is already in and we are ready to go, they send ANOTHER appraiser. Who then proceeds to tell us we need to have our contractor add carpet shampooing, bathroom tiling, drywall, and porch railings to the bid. These were all things we were already planning on doing. WE JUST NEED THE KEYS PEOPLE.

      We are not even intending on keeping any of the carpet. Both bathrooms are being replaced. Not to mention we are in no way paying a contractor to do things for triple the price when we could do it ourselves. What ever happened to the term "fixer upper" you fix as you go. You take your time and improve on your investment. This is so frustrating I just want to get out of here and start our new homeowning life.

     Waiting on moving is so increedibly chaotic. My mind tells me there is no point to putting the laundry awy or organizing because I will just be packing it up! Everything is messy and out of place and our schedules are all screwed up. Buying the house and stuff to fix it/ go in it is all my husband can think about so naturally he does not have as many jobs as he did a month ago. We need to get in this place! We need to get started, find the balance, because this in between thing is not workin for me. I feel tired, I am consumed by thoughts of closing, I am mentally exausted. I just need this to be over. I also needed to vent about it.
Don't buy a foreclosure or a HUD home. It is extremely annoying.

Living room ( there will be hardwood)

Front with circular driveway
(there will be powerwashing and lots of it)
The roof is being replaced the DAY we close
with dark black shingles

The kitchen
oh I have soooo many plans
starting with harwood floors, paing, moving the fridge and putting
a penninsula in its place
moving whole left side cabinets and counter for free space
new cabinet paint and harware
new sink
new microwave <3

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