It's that time of the year again. Once again my family and I will be packing up the bulk of our lives and moving, again. This time, however we will be moving to OWN. Which finally makes moving feel right! Over the course of our relationship Johnny and I have moved a total of 14 times. I wish I had an acceptable reason like telling you we are a military family or home testers or some kind or government paid social experiement. That is not the case. There have been multiple reasons, many of them having something to do with our maturity level and unwillingness to settle down. Switching on jobs, unhappiness in a certain location, moving to save money to buy, then moving because the winter was too hard on our wallets and we had no other choice. There is nothing more humiliating or dehabilitating than being forced to pack your family up and move on to another house because you just couldn't do it. To admit defeat, to surrender to the reality that as responsible as you are in some ares, and as much as you think you have it together you just couldn't make rent that month.
The hardest thing about being a couple since youth is that you have to learn and grow together. It is even harder trying to figure it all out with twins, then one more than another, and little help from family. We are so lucky to have a close few family members who are here to love and support us; Our moms, Step dads and Johnny's Grandma, that's it.
It has all been trial and error, we've fallen many times, we've had good times and bad times. We have had so much money that we didn't know what to do with it, and we have been so broke that we didn't have enough money for groceries. One year, we had to sell all of the nice things we had aquired from an amazing year, one of the best of my memories, at a yard sale in order to downsize to a small apartment. That was so incredibly difficult. All of our nice items- our grill, our clothes, our kids toys and clothes I would have loved to save for memorabilia, our furtniture, our decorations, my jewlery, the keyboard my mom bought me for christmas after my parents got a divorce that I wanted to pass down to my kids, all gone. Just so we may have another shot at this life together. To keep trying, To never give up.
For about 2 years now we have been on a steady upclimb. My husband followed his dreams by refusing to put the fate of his employment into the hands of others, and started his own landscaping and tree removal business. We have learned to become a little more patient, steady, and are basically are on the same page as to what we want in our future with our family which is stability. We can not keep living our lives to please our landlords and paying someone elses mortgage. In the last 5 years we have spent close to 30,000 dollars in rent and have nothing to show for it. So we decided it was time to take a leap and buy our first home. All we could afford in our area was a foreclosure. But that is okay because we found the perfect little charming rancher built in the 1950's that is OURS.
To you, moving 14 times may seem like a nightmare. It may seem irresponsible and like bad decision making. To me, it's my own form of life experience. Experience you probably wouldn't get at a career, or college, or living with your parents until its convenient for you to start your own life. Moving 14 times has taught me that life is a combination of moments- of all kinds. Moments that can change the course of your entire life. It's taught me that one bad decision can open a series of unfortunate events, that can cause life to get the best of you or to spiral out of your control. It has taught me that love and realtionships take effort and growth and time to become what you need of them. I have learned that when push comes to shove all you can really count on is yourself to decide how you view your own situation, to find your own happiness. That people will judge but they won't help. That your spouse who at times is so easy to blame, or to see as your worst enemy is probably the only person you can count on. We have learned what we want, what we like and what is best for OUR family. We have become a team. We have learned to rely on ourselves and slowly but surely we are figuring it all out.
Our business is doing very well for what it came from. We just needed another shot at this life. We just needed to not give up. We needed to fail, we needed to surrender to reality a couple of times and we needed to admit our mistakes. We are "Movin on up" It feels amazing. We are 23 and 25 and going to be homeowners. I am a stay at home mom with no pressure to be otherwise. I truly feel like we are on our way to incredible sucsess story. I truly feel like spending 30,000 dollars on rent and moving 14 ridiculous times has taught me a tremendous lesson that I was extremely fortunate to learn, and walk away from with my family, dignity, self respect and stardards still in tact.
It has taught me that with hard work, determination, flexible pride, and a little bit of elbow grease dreams do come true and our family no matter what will live happily ever after, because we say so!
The End
For Now ;)
Our First REAL Home <3
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